House Tour: The Design Soda House


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20 thoughts on “House Tour: The Design Soda House

  1. Julie Blackman

    Your website is Spectacular! Son and daughter in law, desperately trying to seek good quality, but not break the bank, weathered brass bathroom fittings (you mentioned it was a mine field) short of having items imported from the US, has your research come up trumps? The bathroom fittings in your bathroom look just the job, wondered where you found them

    Happy New Year!


  2. Pingback: Before & After: A Dark & Serene Bathroom - Tmarie Linens

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  4. Di

    I could live in your house! fab ideas, fab blends of differing ‘stuff’ & some great ideas to finish off the final stages of the redecorate & installation of a wood burner. Great pics too, a nice way to tour your lovely home Thank You

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  6. Belle

    Your house is absolutely beautiful. You’ve got such an eye for creating balanced and interesting vignettes throughout. I particularly love your choice of paint colors too. Do you put up lots of paint samples to help you decide, or do you just go with your gut? I’d love to know. We’re in the process of choosing paint colors for our new home and I’m so indecisive! The wallpaper in your downstairs loo is FABULOUS too.

    1. Design_Soda_Ruthie Post author

      What a gorgeous comment, thank you so much ♥️ I always used to be far more indecisive with colour than I am now, I sill test samples to make sure but since I’ve got braver with colour I tend to go with my gut xxx

  7. Celia

    Hi there, lovely house

    Please could you tell me what paint& colour your deep blue floorboards are?

    Thank you

  8. Mary T

    Hi! Love your sweet home! What is the wall color in the living room? Doing some painting and I just love that color.

    Mary T

  9. Cathy

    Your home is so beautiful, like others have said, so look many beautiful things that all work together so well! My daughter’s style is very similar to yours so I’ll be sure to pass on the link!
    Thanks so much for all your inspiration ?


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