Favourite Figural & Silhouette Design

June 19, 2018


Interior design Trend Ideas - Figural and silhouette illustration and motifs - matisse picasso


Good morning, just a short post today but I wanted to share something I’ve been really drawn to at the moment and seem to be pinning left, right and centre. I’m talking about simple figural illustrations,  I like the quiet subtlety of them and they are great as a way to introduce pattern which won’t intrude. The trend started in my eyes with the ‘boobs’ motif patterns that were cropping up in design from America several years ago but it’s this year it’s really starting to pop. From the dress I’m currently living in (fancy hands print dress above by Spanish brand Thinking Mu) to the offices of Italian Vogue during Milan Design Week filtering down to a plethora of homewares.
There’s nothing new about this style clearly, indeed one of the designs I’ve picked is a Matisse Work reproduced on a canvas tote, but these items feel very fresh right now. It may not be something any of us want to commit to wholesale but don’t be surprised if the odd dash of silhouette starts appearing in the Design Soda House soon, perhaps I’ll start with a cushion, or a glass, or even a poster, I have to say I’m very sold on the poster in the centre (Silhouette 02) which Menu used in their New York show house a few weeks ago and which you can buy through Paper Collective.
One final thought on this trend because it popped up on my Instagram just as I was about to hit publish – how about this lovely Visage cushionby Ren London? Let me know what you think in the comments below.



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