Tag Archives: christmas kitsch decorations interior styling

The 60 Best Christmas Decorations for 2020: colour, kitsch, nostalgia, iconoclasm and irreverence

November 8, 2020


Are you ready for Christmas?! I know it’s only early November, but I have a confession – I sort of am! We’re a week into November, and we’ve just started another national lockdown, Read More


Winter Styling with Cox & Cox

October 31, 2016

Winter Styling with Cox & Cox, hygge slow living blush pink velvet cushion linen bedding geometric wool cushions

Image: Design Soda


The clocks have gone back and today is Halloween, my goodness where has all the time gone? We’ve had the odd day with a crispness in the air and a whole lot of mellow fruitfulness (some of the flowers that keep going in the garden continue to amaze me) but next weekend will be bonfire night (and our sons second birthday) and after that, as far as I’m concerned, gloves are off in relation to Christmas!  Read More
