Tag Archives: Croydon Art Deco architecture

Aperture | My Favourite London Art Deco

May 12, 2017

Hoover Building London, Art Deco Architecture (2)

Image: Design Soda


I’ve been really flattered to be asked to do half a dozen or so interviews recently for other websites and publications and one thing that’s pretty standard in pieces of this sort seems to be questions on where one finds inspiration. I find that whatever other factors I mention, London is always the one I settle on most firmly, sometimes it’s cafes or what people are wearing on the tube, but always present at the top of mind when I’m thinking about this is the architecture. We are so lucky in this city to have such a diverse cultural range of architectural styles. There are no grand boulevards of the nineteenth century like Paris here (though I feel slightly uneasy that the property market is beginning to socially cleanse the inner city population along the same lines of Paris 150 years ago).


Hoover Building London, Art Deco Architecture detail

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