Tag Archives: home and design blog

Amara Interior Blog Awards – Design Soda Nomination

August 12, 2016

Amara Interior blog awards 2016 - Design Soda

Good morning all, just a quick post today in form of a plea. If you follow me on social media you may have noticed that I’m a teensy bit excited to be up for an Amara Interior Blog Award in the Best Design Inspiration Category.

A lot of work goes on behind the scenes (when I’m not working or toddler taming) to bring you my favourite passions. I absolutely love writing this blog and have started to get opportunities to bring you fresh content over the last year beyond my expectations. Getting on the shortlist would bring many more of these opportunities and I’d be lying if I didn’t say it would be nice just to get on the shortlist in and of itself (despite my stats, I’m never quite sure it’s not just my mum reading this – hi mum!).

So, I happily have my begging bowl out today to ask you that if you enjoy reading my blog please take 10 seconds and vote for it via the link below. I promise to love you forever (!)

Thank you in advance

This is the link: http://www.interiorblogawards.com/vote/design-soda/
