Style Notes | A Mood Board of Visual Impressions of Brighton

June 30, 2017

Brighton sea view, cool colours, natural history photography

Image: Design Soda


If you are a regular around here (thank you btw) then you will know that at about this time each year I break loose from the city for at least a day to see the sea and take in some of the vibes of one of our coastal towns. I always come back inspired and wanting to share my visual memos on these towns with you. On Tuesday this week we visited Brighton for the first time in forever, it was my husbands birthday and the promise of record shops for him, both funfair rides and the sea for the little person, and a colour walk for me, made this day trip pretty irresistible to all of us. 


Brighton seafront, seaside vintage funfair carousel fairground ride kitsch kiss me quick

Image: Design Soda


Everyone has their own version of Brighton, right? Whether you love it’s regency opulence and transgressions, it’s decaying grandeur, its black and white inter-war crime world immortalised by Graham Greene, or the sixties Mods of Quadrophenia, there are many versions of Brighton. Unlike many seaside towns on our island, Brighton has a fairly unique place in the British imagination as a locality of cool Bohemianism. It is quite fitting that it’s the first, and still only, Green Party constituency in the U.K. It is also, to my mind, quite a green city in visual terms. From the colours painted on railings to the sixties mint of Vespas I associate with Brighton to, of course the sea, Brighton falls fully within that shade. 


Brighton pier arcade metal work pastel colour hunting Brighton sea view, cool colours, natural history photography (2)

Images: Design Soda


It is a city evolving, the decaying grandeur mentioned above may soon be a (much maligned) thing of the past, with lots of rebuilding on the seafront currently underway. However, it’s also a thriving city of creativity with an artistic buzz and stunning heritage. I was very handily given the insiders low down by Hello Pea Green on Instagram so a lot of our colour walk was inspired by her brilliant suggestions, and then I bumped into her in real life at a press show yesterday and she’s a super lovely lady to boot.


Superfront wall on unlimirted brighton, monochrome wall mural, graffiti Silo brighton, monochrome typeography

Images: Design Soda


Now, as you may well be aware, my favourite colour lies somewhere between green and blue so Brighton was a bit of a dream for me, all the mints against blues were exactly what makes my heart sing, but actually there was also much inspiration to be found elsewhere. The graphic surface design on the walls of Ultimate and Silo was gorgeously punchy, and there was much botanical styling to covet, particularly the light bulbs amongst botanicals in The Flour Pot Cafe and the hanging succulents (one of which I just had to take home) at Workshop Living.


Visuals of Brighton, botanical styling amongst industrial copper pie filament bulb lighting Workshop Brighton, succulent hanging plant botanical styling and brass (2)

Images: Design Soda


In contrast, there was also the super fresh design of new restaurant Pascere having its soft opening when I chanced upon it and had to go in to check out the bar tiles and velvet (think they may get a lot more of this as word gets out over the coming weeks!) to the thing that most of us probably associate Brighton with – its piers, both the preserved one and the vanquished ruin in the sea. The town may not have got my memo on the weather (in fact London has been pretty remiss this week too) and stubbornly rained for much of the afternoon, but getting out of London and seeing a town with identity and a design ethos was a real tonic.


Pacere Brighton new restaurant designPacere Brighton new restaurant green blue turquoise velvet chevron metro tiles design Brighton pier ruin in the sea

Images: Design Soda


There was so much to see, too much to pack into a day trip in honesty. I already have a pretty long list for our next visit but if you know of any more must-see spots please drop a comment in the space below and I’ll add them to the list. Thanks in advance! 


Brighton Pier Black & White rustic navy artisan decor flour pot cafe brighton

Images: Design Soda




4 thoughts on “Style Notes | A Mood Board of Visual Impressions of Brighton

  1. Juan Sandiego

    Lovely photos that capture the mood of Brighton (I like the fact that it’s cloudy do the greens stand out). It seems you had a great time! I used to live in this city long time ago, but I realised it’s a transient place. People come and go. But not many settle there. You should definitely explore the little coastal towns in Sussex when you have the chance.

    1. Design_Soda_Ruthie Post author

      Thanks Juan. Oh it must have been lovely to live there and see the town change throughout the seasons. Im so glad we saw it on a cloudy day, the greens were so punchy against the moody blues in the sky. I will definitely check out other coastal towns in Sussex, we went to Selsey recently, any you particularly recommend? x


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