Through The aperture: Columbia Rd Flower Market

March 17, 2014

columbia road flower market picture scrapbook

If you are looking for something to do during a Sunday in high Spring and you want to be immersed in a wash of colour and smells then I can recommend nothing more highly than Columbia Rd Flower Market in East London. Amongst the hubbub of thronging people, the soundtrack of cockney stall holder patter and enough young and trendy to fill your boots you will come across the most overwhelmingly colourful array of flowers & plants at very reasonable prices. The street is dressed by lots of trendy cafes and home boutiques but really this road on a Sunday morning is all about flowers, flowers flowers.


Columbia Rd Flower market - hyacinth & pineapples


Cherry Blossom, Lilac, Hyacinth, Roses & pineapples.


Columbia Rd Flower market - Roses & Tulips


Roses, Tulips & flowers from mars!


Columbia Rd Flower market - hyacinth and thistles


Hyacinth & Thistles


Columbia Rd Flower market - tulips & mimosa


Tulips and mimosa


Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset


An array of Ranunculus.

Columbia-Rd-Flower-market-brightly-coloured-cactiwith c1 preset


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