Quiet days of January : simple moments and reflections on the home for the new year

January 7, 2020

New Years minimalist reflections and intentions in the home


With a new year, and indeed a new decade, I thought I would ease myself in a little today with a brief but slightly meditative post. Amongst the New Years clear out of the home that many of us do to rid the space of debris that has accumulated over the last year, I have been pondering plans and intentions for the year ahead. I think towards the top of my list for the home is a new minimalism, one which applies to unseen areas like cupboards and storage. We are definitely not hoarders by a long stretch, but clearing out the cupboard of doom in the study this week in preparation for the space to become Teds bedroom over the next month or so, I was struck by the fact that I really haven’t given enough thought to storage organisation in spaces that are hidden away. There’s something incredibly freeing about a good clear out, the knowledge that you can open a cupboard door and not everything will fall out, that you actually know where useful things are.

That doesn’t mean a wholesale removal of anything you don’t currently use, or feasibly could in future, I’ve recycled a few gems I found in the cupboard already, but I’m sure I’m not the only person prone to holding onto things that once had a purpose or which potentially could one day but whose day never comes. The thing is, whilst it’s nice to have options, if they aren’t ever actioned they only actually create disorganisation and feelings of negativity around your space. Don’t worry I am not completely Marie Kondo-ing my home just yet(!), but these items are much better placed in charity for somebody who has a real purpose for them, leaving you with a freer mind and clearer cupboards. So this year I’m going to take the oft’ quoted William Morris mantra “Have nothing in your house that is not useful or beautiful” as a primary intention and not only apply it to the things I can see but also those hidden behind doors, under beds and in attics, wish me luck! Do you have any similar intentions around the home this year?



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