Just a short post today, but as we are just about to move out of heating season (it’s really hung around this year, hasn’t it, minus one on Sunday morning as I write this!), I wanted to show you the new radiators we had installed last week which were kindly gifted by Soak.
Radiators are one of those things like good light switches, that can seem like one of the more dull decisions in a renovation but which actually have a huge impact on how everything else sits within a design.

I had wanted new radiators in our bedrooms since we first moved. The radiators under the windows in our bedroom were pretty clunky looking modern radiators with grills across the top (perfect for collecting dust that can’t be hoovered!). Conversely, little Ted’s bedroom which is the coldest room in the house (thanks to a chimney and two outside walls) had a very old radiator which id painted out in his last makeover to match the wall, but it was horribly inefficient.

So, new radiators were needed. There are so many choices for the design focussed on the market these days (and you can spend an absolutely eye watering amount on some), but my personal favourite is a little vintage in feel. I love modern radiators based on the old school house design. I don’t think it’s purely a nostalgia thing (though I do clearly recall them in my own primary school), I think these radiators with columned bars that loop round with gaps in between are the chicest of all designs.

In the bedroom we have gone for white colosseum radiators under the window that fade into the wall and I absolutely love them. In Teds room, I’ve chosen more of a statement picking an Anthracite colosseum radiator which mirrors the off black shade I painted his window surround, but also adds a little more weight to the scheme.

I am so delighted with these radiators. I was forever taking pictures at angles in our bedroom where they didn’t show, now they are a feature. One small final note on these radiators, having previously bought a cheap two columned radiator for the hallway in our previous home, the look of three columns makes a massive difference to the impact of the design. I’m so pleased by the difference these radiators have made. What’s your favourite style of radiator? I’d love to hear in the comments below.
This post is not a paid collaboration, however the new radiators featured in post were kindly gifted to me by Soak.