Tag Archives: tutorial on flower wreath

D.I.Y How To Make Two Simple Spring Wreaths

May 13, 2020


Good morning (or evening, or whatever time you’re reading this!). Today on the blog I’m sharing something I’ve made at least three times before on the blog, but it’s a craft I never tire of. Read More


D.I.Y: How To Make A Simple Spring Wreath

March 6, 2017

Spring easter craft how to make spring flower wreath scandinavian fragrant simple decoration mimosa tools

Image: Design Soda


It’s very nearly Spring. Hurrah to that, in two weeks time official British Spring time will be upon us and I am so ready. I love the change of seasons, all of them, the contrast always jolts me into thoughtful mode as I anticipate the months to come. And, like many of you, there’s no new season I love more than the start of Spring, especially this year after an especially dark and overcast winter, I love the fresh colours stirring after a long sleep and the interludes of bright clement weather.Read More
