Pictures: Through the Aperture – Winter Scenes in London

December 23, 2016

art deco penguin pool at zsl london zoo

Image: Design Soda


The last post before Christmas! I’m very glad to say no more Christmas posts from me, hurrah, to be honest documenting all this fun has been quite gruelling! So today I’m sharing some totally un-Christmas-y winter scenes from my journeys around London of late. The first image (above) may evoke a few memories for you if you had a London childhood (it certainly did on Instagram). We took Ted to London Zoo for his second birthday (despite the deep November chills) and I spotted this Art Deco penguin pool which I remember vividly from childhood. It’s a bit of an icon so I’m glad it’s preserved.


labour and wait, redchurch street shoreditch

Image: Design Soda

I Haven’t been to this shop for years, it’s one of my very favourites but I don’t often get to that side of London these days. Those green tiles are just perfect whatever the season. 



vintage car, elder street, spitalfields

Image: Design Soda


Now this car, in this street, must be the most instagrammed street in London, no? I’ve often wondered (yes I come across it that often on my feed) if it actually works or ever goes anywhere, well low and behold the owner came and got in it as we were passing so I have my answer.


bloomsbury square in winter london architecture

Image: Design Soda


I love seeing Bloomsbury in autumnal repose, it is always so elegant, reminds me of my halcyon days as a student at UCL, so unchanging and reassuring, London is always changing but this little corner is forever Bloomsbury and all the more beautiful for it. 



mid century brutalist office block central london

Image: Design Soda


There are a great many far grander buildings on Grosevnor Place in Belgravia but I rather like this one for its mid century vibe and slightly brutalist lines at odds with its surroundings. The pattern on such a simple structure is really quite charming. 


christmas reindeer at woodcote nursery

Image: Design Soda


I know I said no more Christmas on the blog but when you see reindeer it would be rude not to share. This is from our local garden centre, they have them each Christmas and this year we’ve abused our close proximity to them to maximum effect!


Right, that’s me off ’til after Christmas, I hope you have a wonderful holiday and thank you so much for following along with me on what’s been a really fun year. I’m off to hang up the obligatory mistletoe that’s been hanging around unused all week. Happy Christmas, Buon Natale, Joyeux Noel etc, wherever you are reading this from, have a great one. 

If you like the shots of the things that I see out and about, follow along with my Instagram here.


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