Category Archives: Green Fingers

What I’m planting in the garden this year

March 21, 2019



It’s that time of year when the weather is finally (justifiably) getting a little warmer, and as a result my thoughts are in the garden. I long for the balmier days of summer when everything comes alive outside, and I can gather flowers like the ones pictured above from a post I wrote on my cutting garden favourites.

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My Guide to The Most Effective Dried Flowers to style in the home

October 15, 2018

Dried flowers are having their moment in the world of interiors at present, but not in the old fashioned pressed between pages of a book kind-of-way. Read More

Visual Postcards from Our Garden – The Slow Progress of Landscaping a Garden on a Budget

July 31, 2017

Summer style in the garden, bohemian monochrome

Image: Design Soda


Good morning and welcome to summer, I know, I know I am actually writing this at my desk wearing a jumper and the view of our garden from the window looks anything but sunny right now. Read More


A Simple & Un-fussy Outdoor Tablescape Idea

June 10, 2017

simple relaxed outdoor tablescape ideas, scandinavian linen, vintage silver, botanical, cut glass, tea lights Image: Design Soda


Welcome to the weekend friends, we made it through another beautifully warm week and the election at the end of it (UK) proved to be more interesting than expected. Read More


Green Fingers | The prettiest Cat-Safe House Plants

April 16, 2017

Plants that are not toxic to pets, cat safe house plants

Image: Design Soda


Happy Easter people, I hope you’ve all done you’re duty and consumed your weight in chocolate this weekend. If you are looking for some virtue to alleviate the confectionary sins, then I bring my fellow cat owners a piece on bringing the botanical trend into your home whilst taking care of your pet at the same time! I know, slightly tenuous, but you can thank me later.  I confess, I had absolutely no idea before becoming a cat owner that common plants and flowers could be poisonous to pets. Read More
