Category Archives: Lifestyle

Through The aperture: Colour Hunting in Late Summer

September 19, 2016

Through the aperture Notting Hill pastels, sunlit streets, kitsch trinkets


I write this in a jumper and it will probably be freezing cold and decidedly wintery by the time you read this, but we have had something of the long promised Indian summer recentlyRead More


Amara Interior Blog Awards – Design Soda Nomination

August 12, 2016

Amara Interior blog awards 2016 - Design Soda

Good morning all, just a quick post today in form of a plea. If you follow me on social media you may have noticed that I’m a teensy bit excited to be up for an Amara Interior Blog Award in the Best Design Inspiration Category.

A lot of work goes on behind the scenes (when I’m not working or toddler taming) to bring you my favourite passions. I absolutely love writing this blog and have started to get opportunities to bring you fresh content over the last year beyond my expectations. Getting on the shortlist would bring many more of these opportunities and I’d be lying if I didn’t say it would be nice just to get on the shortlist in and of itself (despite my stats, I’m never quite sure it’s not just my mum reading this – hi mum!).

So, I happily have my begging bowl out today to ask you that if you enjoy reading my blog please take 10 seconds and vote for it via the link below. I promise to love you forever (!)

Thank you in advance

This is the link:


Weaving Workshop – Upstairs at Smug

July 25, 2016

hand weaving workshop smug bezalel
Last weekend I enrolled on a day course to learn hand weaving. I’ve been a big fan of the bohemian home trend with a tribal twist for a while now and admiring the various wall hangings I’ve come across. So when I saw a course come up in one of my favourite London design stores – Smug,  it was a bit of a no brainer. It was a fantastic thing to do, contemplative and relaxing in a way I’d liken to gardening which is in contrast to my experience of sewing or cross stitch which I find a bit frustrating. Weaving is therapeutic, it has less maths and more fun than other techniques I’ve learnt before so I thought I’d share my experience on the blog today. Read More


Simple Life Hack for your closet

June 20, 2016

Bohemian Modern Bedroom Art Deco Wardrobe life hack 1I am a little too hard wired to cynical to be someone who can open heartedly embrace self help or lifestyle fads. I like the idea of slow living and of daily rituals that make you feel good but I’m not the type to throw my faith out to the universe and see what comes back. So this article really isnt The Life Changing Magic of Tidying. I love things to be organised, taken care of, easy, but if I’m honest I think the main pleasure of a tidy home is to enjoy it and mess it up again. I have perused The Life Changing Magic of Tidying and house cure’s on Apartment Therapy, I’m happy for any tidying tips that make life simpler, but I think I wasn’t the target market. As a new mum who had a long maternity leave, clutter and cleaning are now dealt with on turbo charge and we are never going to have a sterile, uber organised space even if I wanted one (which I don’t, I think houses have to breathe to feel homely) with a rampant toddler. Moreover, when it comes to clothing, past the 6 monthly clear out and vacuum bag packing of out of season clothes, my wardrobe is a bazaar of haphazard semi-chaos which I like. But something that gives me space in the most unashamedly cluttered part of my life? Yes please! So with this in mind, I am sharing the kind of tip that will not change your life but may solve a problem we share.


Happy 2016!

January 4, 2016


Happy New Year! A little late, I know, in my usual tardy fashion, but now all the hullabaloo of Xmas and moving are out of the way I’m taking 2016 as a fresh start to return to blogging. I don’t tend to write personal posts but as I haven’t posted for a while I thought I would. 2015 was a pretty big year for us, it was our first full year as parents,Read More
