Happy 2016!

January 4, 2016


Happy New Year! A little late, I know, in my usual tardy fashion, but now all the hullabaloo of Xmas and moving are out of the way I’m taking 2016 as a fresh start to return to blogging. I don’t tend to write personal posts but as I haven’t posted for a while I thought I would. 2015 was a pretty big year for us, it was our first full year as parents, we’ve spent much of the year loving and laughing at our 13 month old goon. I have, for the most part, loved my maternity leave, but have felt a definite loss of identity amongst the playgroups, rhyme times and similar endless rhythms of babyhood. At the start of Autumn I managed to get back on my game a little bit, I went to design shows and blogger events, did my first work as a styling assistant and sourcing products, started blogging again and, oh just the small thing of moving house, all whilst discovering what an amazing little human our boy is turning into. But, in a desperate dash to get things done before I return to work part time this week (eek!) we have decorated nearly 4 rooms in a month, which included some slightly stressful speedy sourcing for a new bathroom (whole other post) but Ive had no time to really catch my breath, hence radio silence on the blog. I need to employ some Slow Living techniques. There are so many things that catch my eye that I want to scrap book but never quite seem to get the time. So, as 2016 dawns I’m determined to start blogging more regularly again. Upcoming posts will be on tiles, wallpaper, design crushes and the odd house tour of our new abode. Happy New Year, here’s to a fun and creative 2016.


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