My Favourite Summer Cocktail

August 16, 2017

Favourite Summer Cocktail recipe - Gin, St Germain, blood orange, ginger ale and lime with lemon thyme garnish

Image: Design Soda


Just a quick post today as I wanted to share a simple cocktail recipe that’s perfect for the Summer and as we’ve got the week off we’ve got all the holiday vibes round here. And the sun is shining, it’s been such a rarity, many’s the time I’ve thought of posting this only to look up from the computer out of the window and been greeted by far less than balmy hot sun  (what an awful non-summer we’ve had). But it’s not just sunny today, the weekend promises to be good at the moment too and I’ll take my pleasures where I can. So here it is, I happened upon this recipe via The Little Epicurean, it’s the perfect summers day drink, a little on the sweet side but such a lovely flavour combination. I’ve modified some of the quantities (a little more gin and a little less elderflower makes this version slightly more tart), plus I use blood orange juice from a carton as I’m not fancy but it’s such a great recipe I haven’t messed with it too much. Enjoy! 

 Here’s what you need:

  • Gin (I prefer Hendricks for this)
  • St Germain
  • Blood Orange juice
  • Ginger Ale
  • Lime
  • Ice

Put a little ice in the bottom of glass, add 1 and a half shot measures of gin, a shot of St Germain, fill up to half way with blood orange juice, add a squeeze of lime and fill the rest of the glass with Ginger Ale. Eh voila! Summer in a glass. 

Best Summer Cocktail recipe - Gin, St Germain, blood orange, ginger ale and lime with lemon thyme garnish


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