The byline (as you have hopefully noticed) for my blog is colour, pattern & patina. I chose these words early on as I felt they reflected my style in the home.
February 4, 2019
The byline (as you have hopefully noticed) for my blog is colour, pattern & patina. I chose these words early on as I felt they reflected my style in the home.
January 23, 2019
AD – This post is a paid partnership with DFS
Is it just me that loves the squidge of a brand new sofa?! There’s something about the fact that a cat hasn’t tried to scratch it yet, a child hasn’t smeared jam fingers on it yet (if you know, you know!) that’s very alluring.
Read MoreJanuary 15, 2019
I always feel a little light headed when Danish brand Ferm Living produce their latest brochure. How will they interpret the new season in their signature style which is both beautiful and accessible, aesthetic but totally liveable?
Read MoreJanuary 14, 2019
Its January, we are deep in the doldrums of winter, which is just when it’s traditional to get wanderlust. So, today on the blog, I thought we’d take a trip back to the sun baked days of a Puglian summer.
January 11, 2019
AD – This post is a collaboration with MADE
We all know the old adage about not working with children or pets. So I feel it is my duty to put a disclaimer at the start of this post that not only did my cat not behave for her shoot, but I also knew that she wouldn’t!
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