The Edit

September 5, 2013

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My favourite things at the moment: Art Deco perpetual calenders, concrete light pendants, Francoise Hardy, Thomas Mann ‘The Magic Mountain’.


  1. I have recently developed a mini obsession with perpetual calendars after seeing a rather expensive one in Whitby. Have wanted one forever but never knew the search term before, am now the proud owner of two lovely ones picked up pretty cheap on Etsy, eh voila:Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset
  2. Ever since I came across this wonderful picture of Francoise Hardy I have had her collaboration with Blur in ‘To The End’ going round my head like a carousel, have just re-watched the video and suddenly noticed the massive referencing to Alain Resnais’ film Last Year At Marienbad (1961) lost on my 13 year old self. Je t’aime Francoise:
  3. As the weather begins to mellow we are about to start stripping our bedroom prior to the great plastering and painting. I have finally turned my attention to a new light pendant (we’ve had our current one since we first moved in together 6 years ago). Joy of joys B&Q have made a fabulous concrete light pendant that knocks off its expensive rivals for under £50. Hurrah!
  4. Have just begun to embark on Thomas Mann’s 800-page- epic The Magic Mountain set in a sanatorium in the Alps, I may not finish it for a very long time but it is exceptionally good so far. It brings back memories of a wonderful history professor who was saving one final Mann novel for retirement because he wanted something beautiful to look forward to!

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