The Edit

September 12, 2013

crystal palace

My favourite things at the moment: the ruins of Crystal Palace, Curiosity exhibition, Belle and Sebastian, up cycled vintage suitcase in Liberty Claire Aude print.


  1. The blissful Sunday of sunshine and showers spent with Dan at Crystal Palace last weekend, haven’t been for so long. Although the way it has been left to ruin makes me sad, there is something really beautiful about it at the same time, like sifting for rubies in the rust! And the parade of second hand shops on Church Road are a brilliant value version of shops somewhere way trendier…                                                                                      crystal palaceIMG_6818 IMG_6816 IMG_6817
  2. Belle & Sebastian have just released an album of rarities and b-sides from the Rough Trade years, perfect autumnal band, have been enjoying it whilst drowning out the din of schoolgirls on the bus.51v5mnQ9+ZL._SY450__PJautoripBadge,BottomRight,4,-40_OU11__
  3. The book published to accompany the curiosity exhibition we visited in Margate,
    Curiosity: Art and the Pleasures of Knowing. Some exquisite illustrations and examples of really early cabinets of curiosity, am looking forward to reading the essays on curiosity cabinets but the photos of popes looking at constellations are worth the cover price alone.                                           v0_master   Biodiversity                                        149338895351cac415088d90.03816349.jpeg curiosity-art-and-the-pleasures-of-knowing-2 05.-Laurent-Grasso_Specola-Vaticana-John-G.-Hagen-SJ.-1847-1930-in-front-of-the-telescope-at-the-Vatican-Observatory-c.-1910-2012
  4. We have a week off next week, if the weather isn’t too dreary we may go for a walk somewhere rural, possibly stay over, if so the small overnight suitcase I covered in Liberty Claire Aude print a few months back will come to purpose at last:Liberty suitcase

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