Three Simple Festive Home Decor Ideas

November 27, 2017


Image: Design Soda


We’ve made it quite far through November now (in less a month and Christmas is gone!) and I’ve only posted one Christmas piece, which seems a bit bah humbug, but I’m taking things slow this year as I had Christmas burn out by mid-December last year. I’ve got lots of Xmas posts in the pipeline (you’re going to be sick of the Yuletide cheer around here shortly!). So, today I thought I’d ease myself in with a few simple ideas from years past of small Christmas crafts and decoration.


decorated-pine-branch-instead-of-small-chritmas-tree-scandinavian-styling-hay-wood-blocks-Rosendahl-bird-pia-cloud-garland-white-interior-1 (2)

Image: Design Soda


I’m not a great one for taking on gargantuan crafts, least of all at this busy time of year, but if it’s simple (and sometimes even therapeutic) then I’m in. The first one, the branch you see above, is a definite favourite for this year. I actually did the one pictured last year in our home, I’d been on the look out for a suitable branch for weeks but by the time I found one it was too late to show you. I happened upon a gorgeous fir tree in the garden next to my mother-in-law which was low down and literally begging to be culled to keep the tree tidy (well that’s what it told me!). My ever obliging mother-in-law knocked the door of her neighbours and asked very sweetly if I could have it for the home and I was super delighted that they said yes. I love the Scandinavian look of simple branches used around the house during the festive period, and having decorated my tree Scandi style last year this was the perfect little vignette to continue the theme in our bedroom. I really recommend this as a look, and if you can find a suitable branch it’s so simple to do, creating far greater impact than the effort required, just be prepared to pick up more pine needles than usual! 



Images: Design Soda



Next up on my Christmas decor plans is to make a wreath, not for the door but for a wall in the house. I made these two last year and really loved them, they are great for doing small moments of joy around the house. I’m thinking of something simple with ivy this year, and perhaps even a candle in the middle to hang in a window recess


Image: Design Soda


Finally, ld like to do a bit of Christmas card crafting with Ted this year and am planning on doing this potato printing technique I posted here. I think this year we may go for stars, printing again in monochrome with black ink on white card but perhaps with a little sprinkle of glitter too as a concession to my little person. Do you have any small scale crafts and decor hacks that you get up to at this time of year? I’d love to hear any ideas you have in the comments below.




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