Through the Aperture: Colour & Architecture

November 4, 2016

Through the aperture, Pavilion cafe, broadway market

Image: Design Soda

.So it’s been a fairly hectic few weeks and I realise that I haven’t posted a Through The Aperture post for a little while now. I seem to be chasing my tail a lot lately, but in a good way I think, lots of exciting things going on, plus its Ted’s second birthday this weekend and we have the following week off, so lots of adventures planned, including a walk somewhere outside the city which I’m really looking forward to blow the cobwebs away. This morning I’m sharing a few pics of things I’ve seen on my travels around London lately that have caught my eye or inspired me. The picture above (at the top of post) is the Pavilion Cafe on Broadway Market, Hackney. Isn’t it just the cutest? Take a look at that bread, those chairs, I feel a little hungry now. Enjoy!



Through the aperture, camille walala crossing, southwark, better bankside LDF16

Image: Design Soda


The Camille Walala crossing in Southwark as part of the Better Bankside campaign – A design bloggers dream, was a bit like Abbey Rd for the number of people taking pictures whilst crossing it.


Through the aperture, mini cactus collection, conservatory archives

Image: Design Soda


A collection of mini cactus from Conservatory Archives, such a beautiful store with a plethora of amazing plants, I could happily move in.


Through the aperture, St James, Piccadilly

Image: Design Soda


The austere beauty of St James, in Piccadilly. I love this part of town, always makes me think of sombre nineteenth century gentlemen and regency dandies, a true male landscape in the historical geography of the city.


Through the aperture, Kings Cross Station

Image: Design Soda


The newness of the Kings Cross refurb, I love this tunnel, it feels a bit like I should be dressed in a noir outfit being filmed as i walk through it.


Through the aperture, pub typography, Old Street

Image: Design Soda

.Sometimes you pass a pub, like this one in Old Street, and there’s nothing to do but grab your camera. I love the typography above the windows, and that door is incredible.

What has caught your attention in the city (or your city) lately?


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