Faux foliage: Ten of the Best

April 8, 2016

artificial boston fern jungalow plants on pink

It may seem a little irregular to be writing this post just as Spring blooms with real botanical gems, even more so when we’ve just done our first bit of proper gardening in our first ever garden, but this trend is everywhere right now and I can’t help being a little intrigued. In my family home growing up house plants were a bit of a staple and I have to admit I winced a little as I kept coming across them in home decor as they make me think of a slightly hippy-ish strand of the eighties which feels at odds with my personal style. I love the idea of plants, I love the fact that they detoxify pollutants, can neutralise your carbon footprint and at their best they can look very lush.

Faux Foliage - Palm Sprigs

But I also have to admit that spare time in the home tends to be spent on cleaning and not plant nurturing, plus the plants I think are most striking like Mother-in-laws Tongue and Aloe Vera are toxic to cats. Step in the new trend for artificial house plants designed for the lazy generation I subscribe to. It started in my mind with Abigail Ahern about 18 months ago and this season the  high street is sporting a fine array of faux foliage. If you have a cat they are a great idea (I’ve lost count of how many healthy plants our cat has managed to make mince meat of as they cower in retreat until death).  If you are bad at watering things, or perhaps like me you over water succulents (is it just a teaspoon of water they need? I can’t figure it out!) then artificial plants may just be the way to go. Here are my favourites on the market right now, including Cox & Cox’s very well priced faux fern which I bought recently (pictured top of post):

1.  Sinai Cactus, £55, Abigail Ahern    2. Linea Mini Succulent Cactus, £8, House of Fraser   3. Mixed Succulents Pot, £25 John Lewis   4. Faux Potted Aloe £50, Cox & Cox    5.  Faux Boston Fern, £10 from White Mint     6. Flocked Green Agave Succulent £7.47, Etsy   7. Faux Green Lyca Palm, £35, Rockett St George   8. Baby Agave Pick in Green – 6″ Tall, $4.69, A Floral   9. Linea Medium Potted Spikey Succulent, £25 House of Fraser   10. Concrete Potted Faux Fern, £35, Cox & Cox 


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